Top sheets

Top sheets

Top sheets are available in various materials and formats, depending on the specific needs of the packaging and the nature of the goods being transported. This can be made of plastic, paper or cardboard and aim to protect the cargo against dust, dirt & moisture.

1200-1600 mm
1600-1800 mm
20-50 μm

Benefits of topsheets

Protection against dust and dirt: Top sheets form a barrier against dust and dirt, keeping goods clean and free of contaminants during storage and transport.

Moisture protection: In humid conditions or when exposed to rain during transport, top sheets prevent moisture from reaching the goods, reducing the risk of moisture damage.

Load stabilization: Top sheets help stabilize the load on pallets, preventing goods from moving or tipping over. This contributes to safer transport and more efficient storage.

Top of the load protection: The top layers of the load are often the most vulnerable to damage. Top sheets offer extra protection to these top layers, preventing scratches and dents.

Identification and branding: Some top sheets can be printed with information such as brand names, logos, or product information. This makes it easy to identify content and contributes to brand recognition.

Easy processing: Using top sheets is often simple and efficient. They can be applied and removed quickly, making the packaging process smooth.

Cost savings: By reducing damage to goods during storage and transport, top sheets contribute to cost savings by minimizing product loss and reducing returns.

More info about
Top sheets

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